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Gland + gland locknut BiT DN-EMC

Gland + gland locknut BiT DN-EMC
Water and dust resistance Industrial application Electromagnetic compatibility Mechanical resistance


Technical data:


  • Cable type: Accessories
Ingress protection: IP68 – 5 Bar
Operating temperature:
Continuous: -20°C to +100°C
Short-term: -40°C to +150°C
Metric thread acc. to EN 60423
Standards complied with: EN 62444
Gland locknut:
Metric thread acc. to EN 60423

Environmental resistance:

  • Enhanced mechanical resistance


BiT D-EMC glands are suitable for use with BiTservo® and control cables (BiT 500®, BiT 750®, BiT 1000®) screened with tinned copper wires and manufactured by Cable Factory BITNER. Their construction ensures effective earthing of cable screens and fulfillment of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). BiT D-EMC glands are easy to mount and dismount. They can be used in power, measuring or control systems where EMC compatibility is required.
